Homeschool portrait Day – August 17th
Since August is the typical “back to school month” I created a “Homeschool Portrait” day Friday, August 17, 2007. It’s a day whereby families who are homeschooling can drop in, or make an appointment, to have a “school portrait” created at a significantly reduced price (over normal custom photography costs).
The setup will be simple … my blue/grey mottled canvas backdrop will be in place and it looks GREAT with white shirt and jeans!.
Each image will be individualized from a custom portraiture perspective … each being unique in lighting, expressions, etc. Sessions will be short, but not rushed; quickly finished, but not hurried. As much of a “no stress” approach as possible. 🙂 Images will be in my “style”, done at my studio for convenience.
Families can choose to make purchases A La Carte, with a minimum $40 package which includes the session, 1 5×7 print and one set of 8 wallets of one image or upgrade to a Deluxe package for $129 which will include the session, 2 color images and one black & white image on CD with a license to print and share. Additional purchase options will be available.
Prices are per child. The only requirement is that the children being photographed be homeschooled and at least 4 years old or older.
Update: This will be by appointment only. There are just a few time slots left. Please call/email as soon as possible if you would like a spot.