If you saw it, would you read it? PULSE by Patrick Carman #ReadOrNot

On October 8, 2012 by Aimee

About the front:
I saw this cover on another blog and it immediately turned back to it. Not only did the yellows and greens catch me, but the floating tree with all its roots hovering above what looks to be a cookie cutter neighborhood really stood out. That made me think it was dystopian. Add to that the visible sound wave in the middle and I’d swear the book IS pulsing. Just from the imagery, I’m thinking sci-fi a little, but the top quote … “Everyone has a heartbeat. Few have a pulse.” makes me wonder if this baby is paranormal, with vampires or something. I really don’t know but I have to say it’s totally intriguing.

Now let’s look at what the back says:

From New York Times bestselling author Patrick Carman, a teen fantasy-adventure of epic proportions. In 2051, some teens have a “pulse,” the power to move objects with their minds. Compulsively readable, with thrilling action scenes and a tender love story.

The year is 2051, and the world is still recognizable. With the help of her mysterious classmate Dylan Gilmore, Faith Daniels discovers that she can move objects with her mind. This telekinetic ability is called a “pulse,” and Dylan has the talent, too.

In riveting action scenes, Faith demonstrates her ability to use her pulse against a group of telekinesis masters so powerful they will flatten their enemies by uprooting street lights, moving boulders, and changing the course of a hurtling hammer so that it becomes a deadly weapon. But even with great talent, the mind—and the heart—can be difficult to control. If Faith wants to join forces with Dylan and save the world, she’ll have to harness the power of both.

Patrick Carman’s Pulse trilogy is a stunning, action-filled triumph about the power of the mind—and the power of love.

Does it match? Front to Back without the in between?

From New York Times bestselling author Patrick Carman, a teen fantasy-adventure of epic proportions.

Teen fantasy-adventure? I never would have pegged this for YA!

In 2051, some teens have a “pulse,” the power to move objects with their minds. Compulsively readable, with thrilling action scenes and a tender love story.

As many people know, I despise the interjection of opinion into a blurb. Moving on …

The year is 2051, and the world is still recognizable.

This fits well with the cookie cutter neighborhood. Love it.

With the help of her mysterious classmate Dylan Gilmore, Faith Daniels discovers that she can move objects with her mind. This telekinetic ability is called a “pulse,” and Dylan has the talent, too.

Okay, so this doesn’t seem like any big revelation. Telekinesis is something we all ‘know’ about and would love to be able to do.

In riveting action scenes,

Seriously … I cannot stand when blurbs try to sell me on how something is written. Just intrigue me enough on the story!

Faith demonstrates her ability to use her pulse against a group of telekinesis masters so powerful they will flatten their enemies by uprooting street lights, moving boulders, and changing the course of a hurtling hammer so that it becomes a deadly weapon.

Okay … but … where’s the conflict?

But even with great talent, the mind—and the heart—can be difficult to control. If Faith wants to join forces with Dylan and save the world, she’ll have to harness the power of both.

Wait … the world is in peril? Why isn’t that the focus of this book? Now I’m wondering if this is a YA paranormal romance!

Patrick Carman’s Pulse trilogy is a stunning, action-filled triumph about the power of the mind—and the power of love.

Darnit. Come on. Stop interjecting! Tell me about the story! I really want to know.

Will I read it?
After all that, all I know is there are thrilling action scenes. O_O That’s NOT enough to make me want to read and is such a depressing way to ‘sell’ a book. Is this a romance? Is it fantasy? What is it? What is the big conflict? That she has to save the world? Is this maybe not the official blurb (someone please tell me it isn’t because that would make me so happy). What’s there now is a disaster to that awesome cover.

Will you add it to your bookshelf virtual or otherwise? Share in the comments!

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