Why would a woman be on the beach, at midnight, alone, in an evening gown? #sixsunday

On November 27, 2011 by Aimee

Six Sentence Sunday

Hide & Seek by me!

Hide & Seek by me!

From Hide & Seek, my 2nd novel, but the first in the ‘Games of Zeus’ series. It’s due out March 1, 2012!

Another sneak peek into my novel that won’t release until March 1, 2012! Still … no one outside of my editor and beta readers have seen this yet. Hope you like it!

“What brings you out here?” The scratch of sand being wiped from [Tripp’s] denim merged with the repeated swish of the waves.

“Midnight run?” [Lexi] swirled a figure eight in the sand, willing her heart to slow down.

“It’s after two, and you’re in a full-length evening gown. Try again.”

So why would she be outside, at night, at the ocean? And where did he come from? And why is she lying? Or IS she? Inquiring minds want to know? You’ll learn all about it March 1, 2012!

Whatcha think? Share in the comments!

Little White Lies by Aimee LaineInto The Unknown Cover - Anthology from three authorsHide & Seek by Aimee Laine