Portraits by candlelight

On February 10, 2010 by Aimee

Who said you have to have 8000 watt strobes and 11 foot ceilings and hundreds of thousands of dollars of photography equipment to take pictures? 🙂

At 6-ish pm tonight, the power in my house went out. We started with sunlight and as the night began to close in on us, pulled out the candles. As I sat there with no laptop — because the battery was already near dead — I realized I had another tool of choice nearby.

My camera and I had a bit of fun and my kids actually participated, because how cool is it to be lit by nothing but a dozen candles?

I say pretty awesome.


If you want tech specs on these … just ask. 🙂

Candle light photography by Aimee

Candle light photography by Aimee